Why HD Porn?
Standard VS. 1080p Porn
Now that HD porn has become the digital video standard format, it is important to know some of the advantages. When watching HD porn, you will instantly see how much sharper and clearer the picture looks. This is especially true on larger screens. If the screen is large enough, you will be able to see every thing in the scene with incredible detail. Let face it, we are all voyeurs so why not see things we couldn't see before there was a digital format available. There are some folks that take the position they would rather not see every nook and cranny on one of their favorite porn stars. The majority of porn viewers though, are embracing the new HD format.
The Hollywood movie community is also dealing with the new technology in their makeup departments. They realize they have to make their stars look unblemished, so they need to work harder at covering up. Razor rash is one of the typical cover ups for both industries. All of this is just placing more demands on the make up departments of all movie and television professionals.
But now there is the decision of what type monitor for your movie viewing. 1080p is the term used to describe resolution and equates to 1,920x1,080 pixels. These monitors can display every individual pixel with the highest resolution. By pure mathematics, 1080p will generate over twice the present resolution of the current 1,280x720p HD TVs. LG calls their super high resolution sets Ultra-HD while some manufactures refer to their product as true or full, instead of Ultra.
Almost all new computer can display HD films. Many computers have video cards which have hardware HD porn encoding. If not, all you need is a p4 processor or a Pentium dual core. Most HD Porn is in 1280x720 format.
Can every computer run HD porn movies?
Most new computers can play HD porn movies, Some have video cards wich have hardware HD porn encoding, and computers with an video card who doesn't have that just need a decent processor p4 or pentium dual core and so on. most hd porn videos are in 1280x720 format, so best would be to have a computer monitor, who can handle settings of 1280x720 or larger, but you can still play hd porn on smaller resolutions also.